Lower energy costs at your Work & Home
Energy bills are on a long term rise. Investing in green energy sources that reduce your upcoming energy bills offers good returns. Especially, with one of Solar and Charge‘s exceptional value promise installation. We provide solar panels, energy storage, electric vehicle charge points and heat pump solutions in commercial as well as home applications. trust us to give you a value engineered installation with enhanced payback on your upfront outlay. Take a look at the real world, recent examples in domestic and commercial settings presented here. They all have the common theme of countering the new reality of higher energy costs.
Or home setting?
Take control of your energy spend
Spending money on energy is a one-way street – in the long run you get nothing back. As one of our customers pointed out, its like paying rent – you spend, but never own the property.
Investment in energy generation and use reduction schemes can have excellent returns. It is usually much in excess of the money borrowing cost. However the returns are spread over 10 to 25 years, but costs are usually front loaded… thereafter your returns steadily come in. Our value engineering and pricing means payback for your spend is usually around five years.
Our Mission
To give homes and businesses access to technology and innovative methods that save on energy costs. We will do this with excelling at the value provided and earliest payback on investment possible. In turn this will improve their CO2 profile. By making our offering best value, we will empower more homes and more business to a lower CO2 future quicker.
How did we get here?
‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ … so the saying goes. When we faced tripling energy costs ourselves, we looked for help and went to market for solar and similar things. Annoyingly, all we found was semi-helpful ‘hardware’ installation proposals and nothing like the coherent energy strategy that we needed to combat the ‘cost of energy’ crisis we were experiencing.
At Solar and Charge, we had the chance to re-engineer everything that the industry was offering to meet these latest demands. So we did.
A fresh approach
We took the best of what was on offer in the market, added solutions as opposed to hardware, added innovation and sensible cost-effective fitting methods. Moreover, our low low overhead structure and our meticulous design approach, means we can offer unbeatable service, great value and the best returns for our customers.
We start by understanding what you need and are looking to achieve and overaly on it our promise of early payback. The investment has to make sense all round!
Ready to save up to 40% off your energy bill?
How it works
The first thing for you to do is decide how much you want to ‘invest’ in energy generation. Very similar to say, working out how much you want put away in long term savings. The equipment you buy and install will have long lifespan and you will be getting an income and savings from it for 15 to 25 years years.
The next thing is for you to buy wisely. Our installs have the objective of giving you a ‘payback’ of 5 years or better. That means you will recover your cash input in the first five years and thereafter generate surplus cash.
We would sooner provide you with an ‘all-round’ solution than a single item like panels alone. We recognise that it’s about solving the problem of your energy costs being too high and giving you a return on your outlay that is reasonable. Of course, you can take all or only some of our recommendations… We will also look at how we can install most cost effectively. We will value engineer the proposed installation so the install costs are kept under control and you benefit.
A fresh approach
We took the best of what was on offer in the market, added solutions as opposed to hardware, added innovation and sensible cost-effective fitting methods. Moreover, our low low overhead structure and our meticulous design approach, means we can offer unbeatable service, great value and the best returns for our customers.
We start by understanding what you need and are looking to achieve and overaly on it our promise of early payback. The investment has to make sense all round!
What you get ….
A solutions that fits in with your business / home way of working/living and one that generates savings / early payback.
We are not a one product solar company and therefore not tempted into the “one size fits all” approach. More likely, we will find for you several ‘winning’ strategies that you can choose from, that includes solar, battery, EV and heat pump where appropriate
Our Products
Solar Panels
The best solar panels available. High output and long, 25 year warranty for production integrity. Hybrid inverters that give added flexibility to any system and long 10 year warranty
For the UK, when the sun shines and when we need energy are oft different times. Overproduction in the summer and underproduction in winter can be balance with batteries. They also allow cheap night rate energy to ‘spread’ into the day.
EV Chargers
Make the most of your generated energy and reduce fuel costs by charging at home using low (night rates) rates. In commercial settings EV charges will attract new customers
Heat pumps and other tech
We can install innovative air source heat pumps for homes and work places. New technology are coming through all the time and we are right top any new proven/reliable offerings.
Case Studies
Your energy ins and outs versus our proposal to save you energy bills
Fine tune. You choose what you want to have and implement
Prompt installation with least disruption so your savings start earlier
Hotel solution case study
Take a look at this study for a 2023 example of the pressures faced by this business and what they did to tackle them.
Home solution case study
This home owner needed a practical solution to mounting energy bills. The arrival of a new EV was also going to put additional needs for electricity, whilst also giving savings in diesel costs…
8kW / 16 kW
Solar / battery combination
Per year expected return
Our preferred supply partners
Enquiry Form
Your first step to saving £’s on your energy costs
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